Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Podgy burning machine

Since my last depressing post about my big fat failure I'm happy to say I'm back!! Back in the podgy burning game - the head space is switched on and I've somehow managed to burn nearly 2kgs in 2 days !! This brings me back to my original loss weight of 103.1kgs and it's like the failure never happened lol (it's okay I'm not in denial I owned my failure)

So how have I done this you say ? Well I have literally worked my ass off and have eaten very little - Monday I had a protein day but still walked for an hour and did rpm - rpm is what switched the trigger in my head to get me back in the game.
Yesterday I did combat, went out for lunch but only had a salad then did another hour walk in the evening and didn't end up having dinner - I seriously wasn't hungry though so no point wasting calories right ;)

My goal is to get to the 100kgs mark before my dirty anniversary weekend away which is in exactly 10 days so I'm super focused on this and feel like it's achievable

From then on ...well watch this space

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